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Essay: Emotional Wellness-Mental Health and Reconnecting

We are born emotionally well and connected. We are then disconnected

from and made imperfect. YOU can become your BeYOUtiful authentic self again.

YOU can become the Full yoU again.

Wholeness-Emotional Health and Wellness means:

• Feeling fairly confident and having good self-esteem.

• Being comfortable with feeling a full range of emotions, from joy to

anger to sadness, and everything in-between.

• Being comfortable with expressing these emotions, in addition to

being able to reach yoUr full potential without being held back by

yoUr thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

In our life’s joUrney, we can look at the cause of the disconnect; “start

from the bottom,” where the sense of emptiness accompanies symptoms

of anxiety and depression brought on by isolation. Shame, loneliness,

pain, despair, and so many other aspects contribute to yoUr


How do we return to wholeness after disconnecting from oUr BeYOutiful original self?

Get to the core of that “whole” in the soul that often disconnects us from oUr authentic selves. Before we can truly heal or help each other, we must heal oUrselves from the inside out. This wellness and healing must begin by one first releasing suppressed and often painful feelings from oUr past. Through reconnecting to our authentic self and embracing oUr YOUnique life experiences, yoU can reconnect to your BeYOUtiful original, whole, unique, and soulFUL self. Emotional wholeness and wellness are very attainable.

How do we define Wholeness and Emotional Wellness?

When we talk about emotional health and wellness, we are talking about a person’s circumstance, their feelings as it connects to their emotional well-being. Our emotional wellness and health can influence how we think, feel and perform in oUr daily life. It also affects oUr ability to:

• Handle stress

• Face and overcome everyday challenges

• Maintain and build healthy relationships

• Progress and evolve over difficulties and setbacks

It is noted that people will experience a sense of disconnection and emotional stress. Despite the pervasiveness, it often goes unnoticed by our relatives, friends, coworkers, and even by the person having this experience.

Often, emotional stress may go unnoticed because people aren’t sure what poor emotional wellness looks like, which is why it’s essential to familiarize ourselves with some of the typical symptoms of emotional wellness challenges.

These symptoms include:

• Feeling more distressed and upset than usual. For example, yoU may find yourself crying more than expected.

• You might also feel abrupt mood swings for no discernible reason or find yourself behaving aggressively or erratically.

• You may remove yourself from other people.

• Making plans with anyone may no longer be enjoyable, and you no longer enjoy socializing or doing the things you once loved.

• May experience problems sleeping, to the point where you always feel fatigued.

• Bodily aches and pains that have no reasonable or physical evidence.

Some things that if connected, can make us emotionally healthy and

well-one may demonstrate:

• Appreciation for life and the ability to laugh and have fun.

• Respond to stress effectively and bounce back from adversity.

• Feeling a sense of meaning and purpose in both daily activities

and your relationships

• Being flexible and adaptable to change.

• Build and maintain enjoyable relationships.

Here are a few simple emotional wellness guidelines to help yoU elevate

yoUr mood and become more of The FULL YOU!! Practice self-care. Make BeYOUtiful yoU first on the agenda.

The journey of practicing self-care starts with yoU. Take care of yoUr

body. It’s essential to eat a healthy diet. Research has shown that what

you eat and don’t eat affects how you think and feel. Exercise helps

decrease depression and anxiety and improve moods. Get enough sleep and stay hydrated.

The message here is: The first step to Emotional Wellness and

connection is knowing what it is.



- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255)

- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

(SAMHSA) (800-662-435)

Presented by the Young Professionals of GUYDA.

Prepared by Rhonda W. in collaboration with Candace G.

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